The automotive sector is entering unprecedented times in terms of the technology in the vehicles produced and how they are manufactured. This presents major challenges and significant opportunities for the North East automotive sector.
The North East is globally renown as a centre of excellence for automotive manufacturing. In recent years however, the region has also established significant capabilities in batteries, power electronics and motor drives. We must capitalise on these strengths to ensure the region is at the forefront of the UK Government’s strategy to ensure the technologies of tomorrow are designed, developed and manufactured in the UK.
Delivered in conjunction with the Supply Chain North East programme, the North East Automotive Virtual Meet the Buyer will offer over 100 virtual 1-2-1 buyer meetings throughout the duration of the day.
The event will also host the following interactive sessions:
09.00-10.00am - Virtual Meet the Buyer Welcome and Keynote from Britishvolt
Join NEAA's CEO Paul Butler, Supply Chain North East and sponsors as we welcome everyone to the event and provide a short overview of the automotive landscape.
We are also delighted to be joined by Isobel Sheldon OBE, Chief Strategy Officer at Britishvolt who will provide an insight into Britishvolt and their plans to develop the UK’s first “gigaplant” to manufacture electric car batteries at Blyth.
At the end of this session we will open up a Q&A Panel with NEAA, sponsors MAKE it Sunderland, North East LEP and Invest South Tyneside and keynote Britishvolt.
10.30-12.00pm - Technology Showcase
Be part of our virtual audience and you can hear first hand from some of the innovative and industry-leading companies who can support plant innovation in the region. The showcase will cover a number of themes that we know are of importance to the automotive sector including COVID recovery, Industry 4.0. and Energy. View the detailed agenda here